Welcome! I am here to guide you to connect to your inner power.

I am a Cape Cod native specializing in transitional mindset coaching.
After spending 10 years in corporate sales I resigned from doing things that I don’t find fulfilling or meaningful so that I can spend my time leading my life doing what I love most….coaching people.
In 2016 I hired my first life coach and the fog was lifted from my lens in life. I was leading my life based on a limited belief that if I married a great guy, had a dog, a picture-perfect home and made a lot of money, I would be happy.
I was making six figures, married my dream guy, had my fur baby, a beautiful home and was SILENTLY SUFFERING.
I switched jobs, industries, gained more licenses/certifications but internally my slow suffering overtook my mental/physical well being.
I needed an outside perspective, I knew this was not how my life was supposed to feel. Here’s where the Life Coach came in and literally opened my eyes to clarity and expansion. A year later I was enrolled at Health Coach Institute where I spent the following 2 years earning my health, life and transformational coaching certifications. In 2019 I earned my Grief Coaching certification, and in 2022 I became a Certified Clarity Catalyst Trainer, and I am now so passionate about facilitating this amazing program to individuals, corporations, and teens, that is based on a Stanford University Course designed by Dr. Michael Ray.
As a coach, I divide my time between coaching adults who are building their own coaching practice through the Health Coach Institute, and working with Adults, teens, and individuals at corporations to step into the best version of themselves.
I feel blessed to say that I do cartwheels out of bed each morning because I get to coach people who are committed to change so they can live a life they love.

My Qualifications & Credentials